Thursday, December 4, 2008

Why I a Roman Catholic choose to wear my hijab

Why I wear my Hijab?

Hi, everyone my name is Jennifer and I am Roman Catholic. This is a short story about why I chose to wear the hijab. The main reason why I wear the hijab is because it brings me back to the time of Jesus Christ and it reminds me of The Virgin Mary. What she went through and what she saw her only son go through. Being modest as the Virgin Mary is very important for me also.

First, I admire the Virgin Mary and for a while, I have thought of wearing the hijab. Everyday I would observe the Virgin Mary’s picture and I imagined myself also wearing a veil. The Virgin Mary is a very important person in my faith, which is Catholic. During the time of me thinking as to weather, I should wear the hijab or not, I recalled when I was younger and I was the leader of the youth group. I had an assignment to do play roll in the Stations of the Cross. I was elected to play the roll of the Virgin Mary. I was honored, happy and very proud to play the roll of the Virgin Mary. I felt pure and I felt as if I was really her. This is what first gave me thought of wearing the hijab.

Second, when I was in the process of deciding, I thought that it would be nice for me to make it a vow for God. That’s when it came to my mind that if I do this for God it not only will be a good deed but I will forget about the worldly materialistic things and the evilness in the world its self so I can be able to focus and dedicate my life to God. I believe that I am on this earth to do Gods deeds, to obey him and follow his path. I believe that I am here to make God happy and live life the way God wants me to. Not the way the world is running today and not how other people want me to live my life. That is why God gave me free will so I can make the right decision on my own. Many people are concerned about the fortunes of this life but I am more concerned about having eternal life with God.

Third, right before making the decision I asked myself like any other human being would ask themselves. What would people think of me? Would they look at me any different? Would people accept my decision? Am I going to do the right thing? Will I be able to do it? If I was picked on or looked at wrong, will I continue to wear my hijab. Well I said to myself forget what people think or say, you are doing this for God. So I decided to wear the hijab. I did get the looks of curiosity and I was made fun of in College and I did have people tell me not to wear it. However, I thought to myself Satan is doing and will do whatever he can to avoid this vow I was going to commit to for the rest of my life for God.

That is when I realized that this was my destiny and it was from God. Even today, I still have people telling me not to wear it but for me those word inspire me even more to want to wear my hijab oh so proudly….Plus I feel like a princess when I wear it…. Bye everyone hope you all enjoyed and I hope that with this video I inspire more Catholic and Christian women to want to wear a hijab and be more modest….


Masduki said...

Nice and inspiring story.

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful story. I would love you chat sometime!